My Table of contents recently lost its color. I sometimes add colored notes
in Figure Captions in blue and it has always showed up in the table of
figures as a blue comment. The blue text is still in the Figure Caption where
I put it, but not in the TOC. I have checked styles, and inserted new tables,
etc. withoput success.
I operate Word 2000 in Windows XP. Just before this happened I tried to save
Word under another name but it would not let me. It said "disk full" (not
true) and "too many windows open" (also not true). It also asked me to save
recent changes made to normal.dot (which I did). I finally had to open up an
earlier version of Word to get the document to work.
One final thing: I opened another even earlier version and the color was
there. What did I do to anger Word.
in Figure Captions in blue and it has always showed up in the table of
figures as a blue comment. The blue text is still in the Figure Caption where
I put it, but not in the TOC. I have checked styles, and inserted new tables,
etc. withoput success.
I operate Word 2000 in Windows XP. Just before this happened I tried to save
Word under another name but it would not let me. It said "disk full" (not
true) and "too many windows open" (also not true). It also asked me to save
recent changes made to normal.dot (which I did). I finally had to open up an
earlier version of Word to get the document to work.
One final thing: I opened another even earlier version and the color was
there. What did I do to anger Word.