Have new invention guarntee world wide demand,330-240-9294,Bill


New Invention

Have a New computer invention guarntee world wide demand . Ur so close to the
forest you didn't even see the trees everyone will want one. Please call on
the phone the head person incharge of marketing and new ideas, inventions of
Microsoft computers to set up a meeting so we could get this thing rolling so
we can all start to make money and not the small kind of money..Your company
is the frist company that I have contacted with this idea and hopefully the
last..Dont procrastinate or another company will be the frist like Dell,
packard hewitt,or another...I am on to something so big that you all will
kick youself in the ass for not thinking this up yourself...I only went with
your company because I feel that Bill Gates is a genius and he'd apperciate
my idea and also we have the same name.. HA HA please contact me at
330-240-9294 Bill. Better hurry !!

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Offering our services to Microsoft

We are running a food and clothing program for poor indian families in the
Province of Coclé, Panama. We are a management corporation offering legal,
administrative, banking and asset protection program trhoughout different
countries around the world. With those earning produced by our services, we
use them to fullfil those necesities for the poor families. I understand
that this is a very naive way to introduce ourself to a company like yours,
but in the event that this call some of your attention (doesn't have to be
Bill Gates), please feel free to contact us. (e-mail address removed)
Thank you.