Have to renew "Open With" upon every restart



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have .doc documents set to open with Mac Word 2004, but every time I restart my computer it reverts to opening .doc documents with Word 2008, which is still on my machine. Is there a way to ensure that the 'open with' setting for 2004 stays in place when I restart?


It isn't a matter over which there is any control. OS X will always launch
the most current version of the program when you dbl-click a file icon
unless the older version is already running. About all you can do is:

1- get into the habit of launching the program first & using File> Open, or
2- drag the file icon to the 2004 app icon in the Dock, or
3- Control/Right-Click the file icon & select the version to open the file
using Open With.

I'm sorry you couldn't find the answer sooner but the Forum has not been
operating properly for quite some time so most messages are not getting
through to the news servers. However, some searching would have revealed
that the issue has been addressed here numerous times since 2008 was
released :)

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks CyberTaz. I guess I just have to make Word 2004 a start-up item: that will automate the process.

Sorry, I hadn't realised there was a problem with this forum. Does it say so anywhere? What exactly is wrong? Is it going to be fixed?

I did search on 'open with' and did';t find anything, so I posted the message.


*When* the problem will be resolved I have no idea, but MS is most
definitely aware of it. Unfortunately the website is designed & managed by a
contractor so it has evolved into the typical "who-struck-John" scenario.
They're each seem to be so busy blaming the other that no progress is being
made on the issue. As a result most postings remain unanswered.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Well, good luck. If one of them has a bruised eye, I suppose that might help identify the culprit.

I'll keep a look-out on this site, but how will we know when it's fixed? I've had good help from you and the other regulars over the months and years, for which much thanks.


The only thing I can tell you is that when you start seeing Replies in the
Mactopia Word Forum or if you start seeing more frequent @officeformac
postings here you'll know it's fixed :) I seriously doubt that there will
be any sort of formal announcement although one of us will probably post an
[ANN] message once the issue is resolved. Oddly enough "some" @officeformac
postings are getting through but the overwhelming majority are not - yours
just happens to be one of the lucky ones... Mom always did like you best.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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