Haven't got a clue!!!



Here is a cut down sample of a spreadsheet i'm working on.

Sheet 1 and 2 are updated daily, and i need sheet 3 to updat
automatically taking the required data from the other 2 sheets
depending on whether or not the approval column is Y or N.

This should be fairly straightforward but I haven't coded in a whil
and have never used VBA. :eek:

Any help would be appreciated.


- Darren

|Filename: test.zip
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5079


Not sure you need VBA in your spreadsheet. It sounds like you just need some
IF statements in specific cells on sheet 3 that look at the approval column
in sheets 1 & 2, then produces values in sheet3. Can you be more specific of
what you are trying to do.


The IF statements work fine for just one sheet.

Like I mentioned, this is only a sample. The actual spreadsheet record
alot more information from 2 different sources (Sheet 1 & 2). Sheet
takes only some of the data.

I posted the actual spreadsheet last week, search down the lis

I moved onto this smaller sample to try and get the basic cod

- Darren

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