I've been reading around on the site a bit trying to find out the solution
to the problem i've been having with my website. I created my website in
publisher 2003 (apparently a bad idea), and I was able to upload it to my
webhosting service using FTP, but the forms on my page woudlnt retrieve
information. When I would go to my page and test it out and enter
information, after clicking submit it took me to that WEBBOT page. So I
read on here that if you submit using HTTP that it should work fine. So I
went to publish web page from publisher 2003 and then i typed in my domain
name when clicking save, but when I went to type in my username and password,
nothing worked. I used the same thing i did with FTP, i used my yahoo id,
i used the author name I created, nothing worked. It would not let me
upload using HTTP.... help someone?
to the problem i've been having with my website. I created my website in
publisher 2003 (apparently a bad idea), and I was able to upload it to my
webhosting service using FTP, but the forms on my page woudlnt retrieve
information. When I would go to my page and test it out and enter
information, after clicking submit it took me to that WEBBOT page. So I
read on here that if you submit using HTTP that it should work fine. So I
went to publish web page from publisher 2003 and then i typed in my domain
name when clicking save, but when I went to type in my username and password,
nothing worked. I used the same thing i did with FTP, i used my yahoo id,
i used the author name I created, nothing worked. It would not let me
upload using HTTP.... help someone?