Having text automatically copy from one form field to another



I am new to Word programming and I'm setting up a physical asset form where users enter information about asset number, location, etc. in Word document form fields, i.e. text field, check box, or drop-down. I would like the bottom of the form to be a cut-out section that is pasted on the asset. The cut-out section will have much of the same information as on the main form and I would like the fields in the cut-out section to be filled (copied) automatically from information in the form fields of the main part of the document. That is, when the user enters asset number in the text field on the main part of the document, I would like the asset number to automatically appear in the cut-out section text field at the bottom of the document. Is this possible to accomplish in a simple way


Jay Freedman

Place only one set of form fields in the beginning of the document. In the
Properties dialog for each field, check the "Calculate on exit" checkbox. In
any other places where you want to repeat that information, insert
cross-references to the fields.

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