I have a workbook that I do not want the user to be able to save or save as.
The code I have disables the proper icons, however, when I start Excel up
with a different workbook, the icons are still disabled.
If I remove the .application, I get object var or with block var not set.
How do I
disable the save/save as for only the workbook I need? Here is my code int
he the
Workbook_Open sub.
ThisWorkbook.Application.CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls _
("&file").Controls("&Save").Enabled = False
ThisWorkbook.CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls _
("&file").Controls("&Save").Enabled = False
Help. Thanks.
I have a workbook that I do not want the user to be able to save or save as.
The code I have disables the proper icons, however, when I start Excel up
with a different workbook, the icons are still disabled.
If I remove the .application, I get object var or with block var not set.
How do I
disable the save/save as for only the workbook I need? Here is my code int
he the
Workbook_Open sub.
ThisWorkbook.Application.CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls _
("&file").Controls("&Save").Enabled = False
ThisWorkbook.CommandBars("Worksheet menu bar").Controls _
("&file").Controls("&Save").Enabled = False
Help. Thanks.