I'm wanting to create a line graph for a bunch of values rangin
between 0-20. I also have missing values ('N/A') for which I woul
simply like shown as a break in the line graph. The program as i
stands is plotting them as zeroes, along with all my legitimate zeroe
and the graph is not giving an accurate picture. Can anyone help?
I know that I could simply leave the values as blanks on the data page
but there are problems with that as my data is linked to a maste
spreadsheet where the link does not transfer blank cells, only zeros.
This is a headache, I have looked at some options but am having n
Many thanks
I'm wanting to create a line graph for a bunch of values rangin
between 0-20. I also have missing values ('N/A') for which I woul
simply like shown as a break in the line graph. The program as i
stands is plotting them as zeroes, along with all my legitimate zeroe
and the graph is not giving an accurate picture. Can anyone help?
I know that I could simply leave the values as blanks on the data page
but there are problems with that as my data is linked to a maste
spreadsheet where the link does not transfer blank cells, only zeros.
This is a headache, I have looked at some options but am having n
Many thanks