I am a medical transcriptionist and have been using my Word program on a
daily basis for over a year with no problems, so all this issues have started
in the last few days.
1st question: When I start typing now, it automatically puts the second
line indent to 0.25". It has never done this before and it is not consistent
either. When I manually move it back to 0", it will remain like that
(whether I hit enter or not) until the end of the page. Then it will do it
again. For a little more specifics on what I am doing when it happens, on
each page, I have a Macro for address and Dr. names and then I start typing.
That is when the 1st automatic indent happens. The time it most often
happens again is towards the bottom of the page when I have entered an "auto
text", it reverts back to the automatic indent tab for the 2nd line. I have
looked in the "tab" menu and cleared that and have looked in the Style tab,
but don't really see anything funny in that tab either. Any ideas?
2nd question: This problem has started just today. I have lots of "Auto
Text" in Arial font for my transcription. When I enter an "auto text", it
used to be that I could hit the backspace button and it would take me to the
end of the text (because some of them take me to the next line when I enter
them) but now it just reverts it back to Times New Roman when I hit
backspace. Furthermore, if I keep hitting the backspace, it reverts the
previous line(s) to Times New Roman too! I'm so frustrated!
As a transcriptionist, you are paid on speed of typing, so I am losing out
on income by having to stop and correct these two problems all the time! I
have lots of Macros, auto texts and a nice, full, custom-made dictionary of
medical terms, so reloading the program is not really an option. The only
thing I did in the last week is sign up for the Microsoft Updates in the
Windows Update menu...so could the updates be doing these problems. Please,
any ideas would be wonderful!
daily basis for over a year with no problems, so all this issues have started
in the last few days.
1st question: When I start typing now, it automatically puts the second
line indent to 0.25". It has never done this before and it is not consistent
either. When I manually move it back to 0", it will remain like that
(whether I hit enter or not) until the end of the page. Then it will do it
again. For a little more specifics on what I am doing when it happens, on
each page, I have a Macro for address and Dr. names and then I start typing.
That is when the 1st automatic indent happens. The time it most often
happens again is towards the bottom of the page when I have entered an "auto
text", it reverts back to the automatic indent tab for the 2nd line. I have
looked in the "tab" menu and cleared that and have looked in the Style tab,
but don't really see anything funny in that tab either. Any ideas?
2nd question: This problem has started just today. I have lots of "Auto
Text" in Arial font for my transcription. When I enter an "auto text", it
used to be that I could hit the backspace button and it would take me to the
end of the text (because some of them take me to the next line when I enter
them) but now it just reverts it back to Times New Roman when I hit
backspace. Furthermore, if I keep hitting the backspace, it reverts the
previous line(s) to Times New Roman too! I'm so frustrated!
As a transcriptionist, you are paid on speed of typing, so I am losing out
on income by having to stop and correct these two problems all the time! I
have lots of Macros, auto texts and a nice, full, custom-made dictionary of
medical terms, so reloading the program is not really an option. The only
thing I did in the last week is sign up for the Microsoft Updates in the
Windows Update menu...so could the updates be doing these problems. Please,
any ideas would be wonderful!