Having trouble with formula



I have created an expression box (grandtotal) that is the sum of three boxes
above it (price1, price2 and price3). However, when I enter information and
price1, price2, and price3 are populated, grandtotal will only give me the
value for price3 and not the sum of the values.

I have tried altering my formula a bunch of different ways and am unable to
come up with a solution. fx= price1+price2+price3
fx=sum(price1)+sum(price2)+sum(price3), etc.

Can anyone help?


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

The first solution (fx= price1+price2+price3) should have worked. The sum()
function should be used if the nodes are repeating. Perhaps if you explained
step by step how you created your form, we could find out where things went


Yeah, probably not the question to ask.

I am a novice user so I took the existing template for an Invoice Request
and altered it to fit our needs. We added two repeating sections to the sheet
so that there are three repeating sections - One Time Fees, Itemization, and
Taxable Items. The first two sections, OTF and Item, were pretty much just
copies of each other from the original template and other than adding data
sources for Itemization, the formulas and set up stayed the same. In the 3rd
section, Taxable Items, we added a table below the repeating table that in
the first box displayed the calculated tax and in the second box gave a total
for that section.

The section I am having difficulty with is the Grand Total section I added
below. The first box was the sum the total of the OTF section, the second box
the sum of the Item section, the third box, the total of the Taxable section.
It took some manipulation but I finally got those boxes to display properly.
However, the fourth box that is supposed to sum those boxes and display the
final quote price only displays the value in the Taxable Section:

One time fees $60.00
Itemization $273.00
Taxable Items $200.00
Grand Total $200.00

I hope this explanation helps.


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

I suspect that the price fields are being calculated and populated from code?
These actions might be getting mixed up with the expression to calculate the
grand total. The only thing I can advice is to also put the grand total
calculation in code and populate the field from there. You'll have to switch
to a normal text box, though.

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