Having trouble with my curser disappearing while working.



I am having trouble when I am working on a Word doc, I will be typing and all
of a sudden, the page stops accepting my words. The curser disppears and I
have to click back into the document to resume my work. I can also press ALT
+ ESC to my work. This is very annoying and I cannot figure out how to fix
it. It just started happening recently. Can anyone help? I think that it also
happens in other applications as well, not just Word.

John Butler

Reinstall the mouse software - eg. intellipoint 6.2, re-apply the mouse
settings and reboot.


The mouse is a Micrsoft wireless mouse. I use it on my laptop because I had
the computer worked by a friend and he forgot to replug the built in mouse.
Anyway, i really can't reinstall it because XP automatically reads the mouse
when i plug it in to the USB. Any other thoughts? Or could this mouse be
going bad? I might replace the battery and see if that helps. Thanks for your
reply. I feel like it might be something with the settings on this computer
though, it has done this twice since i've been typing this reply???

John Butler

You can reinstall the software using the existing mouse Intellipoint will
install it and ask for a reboot. When back in windows you will get a page to
configure the mouse.
Check for battery problem by shielding the receiver and see if that stops
the mouse.
If there is a built in laptop mouse check the mouse settings in Control
panel. you may need to reinstall it.

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