HDD Crash, lost website, how do i make them into pub file again?


Liz Stefany

So my computer crashed, and I lost all of my files. I purchased a new hard
drive, re-loaded everything, and upgraded to office 2007. The website was
created in Pub 2003. I have downloaded my "index_files" folder and "index"
file back onto my computer, and would like to make them back into a regular
publisher file. Any suggestions appreciated!


I hate that when that happens! Seriously, sorry you didn't have a backup

Read this article: Common Sense Computing 101 aka "Why in the world would
you lose your publisher file?":

Its a little like salt in the wounds now that you lost your Pub file, but
David does offer you a way of rebuilding your site from your html files at
the end of the article. Basically you will open each .htm file in Publisher,
and save as a Pub file, and copy and paste each page to one file. Your home
page is the index.htm file and the other pages are contained in the
index_files folder. A bit tedious, but at least you can rebuild your
site....and then back it up externally. I really like external USB drives
for backup, and they have come down so much in price, they really are a good




A good idea...if you have broadband and lots of server space. Seems like
this would be an especially good idea if you travel a lot and need access to
your files.

I actually have redundant backup on external drives, other computers, and
DVD copies stored at my office. I have some databases that are over 15 years
old, that I could never reproduce, so I tend toward overkill when it comes
to backups.


Liz Stefany

Thanks for the info..I figured I would have to do the copy/past dance, but
was hoping for some sort of app that would magically merge them all back
together. Thanks though, now I won't waste time waiting for some magical
solution to appear! And CERTAINLY will be backing up EVERYTHING in the future!

John G

I have not had time or need to test the following to any great extent
but it seems to work.

I DOWNLOADED my index.htm and index folder from the isp to a new
directory on another computer then opened the index.htm file with
It seemed I could edit it as I could when I originally made it and I
could have uploaded the new edited index.htm and index folder to my ISP.

As I said above I have not done any extensive testing but it might save
a lot of Copy/paste.

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