Header and footer problem


Kay Schulz

Dear all,

I am using Word for a longer report on a Mac OS X 10.4.7
without rosetta. Word 2004 Version 11.2 (I guess the latest one).
My document is supposed to have four parts:
1. Cover page (1 page)
No header, no footer
2. TOC, TOF, TOT (2 pages)
Footer with roman page numbers (i, ii, iii)
3. Content (many)
Footer starting with 1 in arabic numbers (1,2,3)
4. Glossary etc. (some)
Footer with roman numbers or so starting with 1 again.

I can't make it work.
What I did:
I wrote the text. :)
I made separation marks between the four parts.
(I only have a german version so I cannot tell you
the english names. But if someone tellls me how
to start word with english menues, I could tell you)
It's in Insert, then the first item (change I suppose)
Change next page (or so).
In standrad layout mode I see them.
Then I went on page two (1st page after cover page)
and defined headers and footers.
It contains the TOC for two pages.
The header is shown on page one,
page two, not on page three, but on page 4.
So it is shown on the cover page, but not on the
2nd page of the TOC part of the document
And it is shown on the content part, where I do
not want it.
How can I make the header is only shown for the marked

Kay Schulz

thanks so much
As far as I can tell, this works on Mac Word as well.
Yoou guessed all right.

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