header error



After I created a couple of forms recently as a last touch I added both a
header and a footer ( there is no code used for anything).
I then saved the form and tried re-open it. I got an error message from
InfoPath stating it could not create a new blank form. It cannot open the
form. To fix the form call my system administrator.
Under the details, it says that the form definition (.xsf) file cannot be
opened because of an error. The file cannot be validated by the xml schema.

It further states Element '{http://schema....../solutionDefinition}header'
is unexpected according to content model of parent element

It then gives line 525 position 17 <xsf:header>

Can any one tell me 1. What happened? 2. How it can be corrected 3. How to
prevent the problem in the future.

Your help is most appreciated

Scott L. Heim [MSFT]


What text did you add to the header and/or footer? Is it still there or did
you delete it?


Scott L. Heim
Microsoft Developer Support

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