Header/Footer Include File (XML?)


Jim Magee

I have a client who has several hundred documents and templates. All of
these documents use the company letterhead. (header and footer) The
footer of these documents changes quite often. Currently they update
all of these documents manually. Is there a way to use an "include"
file or XML to make updating these documents easier?

Anne Troy

Hi, Jim. Word has an INCLUDETEXT field. Just put the footer in another
document somewhere, formatted properly, etc. Use the INCLUDETEXT field to
"grab" it. To use it, just Insert-->Field, choose IncludeText and in the
options, designate the file name.
~Anne Troy


Jim Magee

Thanks Anne.....I looked at this feature once before. The problem I had
is it doesn't seem to update the document automatically if I make a
change to the separate file. I was looking for something that I could
change in one place that would update all of the other documents. Is
this possible?


Anne Troy

Jim: Updating a document is another story. :)
There's several actions that will update a document. So test, please? Save
your document, close it. Change the linked document, save it, close it.
Reopen the main document. Changes not saved? Try these actions:
Ctrl+A, then F9 to update the fields.
Print Preview to update the fields.
All 3 of these options should update fields in your document. They aren't
updated automatically.
~Anne Troy


Jim Magee

It didn't work. The document did not get updated. I really appreciate
your efforts though. This is driving me nuts!


Anne Troy

Interesting. It didn't update if I changed a format, but it did update if I
changed the text. Also, when I inserted the IncludeText field, there was an
option NOT to update it. I assume you could use that for something like a
disclaimer in a contract where it needs to remain for the life of that
contract, but change for any new ones. You don't happen to have that ticked,
do you? I'm in 2003.
~Anne Troy


Jim Magee

No, it's not ticked. I'm using 2003 also. I'm just trying to change
the text. This worked for you?

Anne Troy

Yep. I saved the main document with the includetext field in it. I could see
the text from the other doc--same format and all.
I closed it. I opened the includetext document. I changed the color of the
font. Saved & closed. Opened the main document. No changed. Ctrl+A, F9,
still no change. Closed, and reopened includetext doc and changed the text
itself. Saved, closed. Opened the main document, and the changes weren't
there until I Ctrl+A, F9. Try right-clicking your includetext field and
choosing Update, Jim. I've got one of those wireless keyboards that requires
I hit the F lock key for my F9 to work. Maybe you do too?
~Anne Troy


Jim Magee

I was able to get it to work the way you did if I didn't use a footer.
My includetext file is a footer. I think that is what is causing a
problem. It doesn't even give me the option to right-click and update.

Jim Magee

Even when I get into the footer, Update is not one of the options.

My settings in Word are set to update on Print.

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