Header footer toolbar missing



Apologies if you have already read this, as I posted as a reply to a
thread which is why I think I have not yet received an answer, so
posting it again.

I have lost my header/footer toolbar. It does not automatically appear
when I am in a header or footer, it is most frustrating.

Whilst in the header/footer pane I can go into View/ Toolbars/
Customize toolbars and see the header/footer listed but I cannot select
the check box to make it display. Have also tried to re-set the

The only way I can get any thing like automatic page numbers, fields
etc into a header or footer is to use Insert Field or Insert Autotext,
it is most frustrating not having the header/footer toolbar.

Any ideas?


Lene Fredborg

I have seen this problem occur in a situation where a user had a macro
installed that closed toolbars while the selection was in the header/footer

Try the following and see whether it solves the problem:

1. In your document, select View > Header and Footer to go to the
header/footer area (it is important that the selection is in the
header/footer in the following).

2. In Word, press Alt+F11 to open the VBE window (Visual Basic Editor). Make
sure the "Immediate" window is visible (most likely found at the bottom of
the VBE window - if the "Immediate" window is not visible, press Ctrl+G to
display it).

3. Copy the following line of code (if you do not have an English version of
Word, you need to correct "Header and Footer" to the exact name of the
toolbar in the relevant language):

CommandBars("Header and Footer").Enabled = True

4. Paste the copied line of code into the "Immediate" window in VBE.
5. Make sure the insertion point is in the code line. Then press Return.

6. Copy the following line of code (again, make sure the toolbar name is

CommandBars("Header and Footer").Visible = True

7. Paste the copied line of code into the "Immediate" window in VBE.
8. Make sure the insertion point is in the code line. Then press Return.

Hopefully this will bring back your Header and Footer toolbar so that it
works correctly again.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word



Thanks for your reply, sorry not to have got back to you earlier, but I
only just remembered to check for replies.

I have done what you suggested and it still does not work.

Any other ideas?


Lene Fredborg

If you are totally sure you performed the steps in the procedure I described
in my previous post and the toolbar still does not display, the only other
thing I can think of is that the problem may be a corrupt data key (see the
end of this post). You could, however, try to install and run the macro below
– actually, the result should be the same as if you followed the above
mentioned procedure but you could have missed something:

Sub ShowHeaderFooterToolbar_IfMissing()
'Go to the header
With ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View
.Type = wdPrintView
.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
End With
'Enable and show "Header and Footer" toolbar
With CommandBars("Header and Footer")
.Enabled = True
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

For help on installing macros, see:

If the toolbar is still missing, see the following article for information
about how to restore the data key:

Note that the article refers to Word 97 (version 8.0) and Word 2000 (version
9.0) but the information also applies to newer versions. In case of e.g. Word
2003, the version number is 11.0.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word



Thanks ever so much for your help. I have logged in remotely to m
work PC and installed the Macro and it worked.

Thanks again

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