More message and Word Help snippets on the subject of rulers and grids:
You can change the ruler graduations by clicking on Tools | Options |
General | Measurement units: Centimeters | OK. You can change the
snap-to-grid interval when you drag along the horizontal and vertical
rulers by displaying the Drawing toolbar (View | Toolbars | Drawing),
clicking on Draw | Grid, and changing the horizontal and vertical
spacing to 0.25 cm or 0.5 cm or whatever.
Tip To temporarily override grid settings, hold down Command key as you
drag or draw an object.
€ To automatically align objects on an invisible grid, select the Snap
objects to grid check box.
To automatically align objects with gridlines that go through the vertical
and horizontal edges of other shapes, select the Snap objects to other
objects check
€ Hold down OPTION/ALT and press the arrow keys to nudge the freeform in
1-pixel increments.
1. Under the bonnet ("hood" for our American friends playing along at
home), Word measures things like margins and tab stops in points. The
inches or centimetres that are displayed in (eg) the Page Setup dialog box
are just to amuse we humans. So bear in mind that occasionally you can set
something to, say, 7cm, and Word will later come back and tell you it's
6.99cm. Word manages these conversions a lot better than some other
programs, but you hit the conversion problem occasionally.
Strictly speaking, Word's fundamental units aren't even points, they are
twips. A twip is 1/20th of a point. Dimensions for everything in Word are
stored internally as 16-bit integers of twips. That is why the maximum page
size that Word will support is about 22"x22" - 22 inches is about 2^15
Nope: You can change the graduations DISPLAYED on the ruler!! But what we
have been whinging about for a few years is that you cannot actually change
the snap-to indents along the ruler.
They remain stubbornly in the Olde Worlde measuring system
On 12/7/07 2:47 PM, in article C2BB31A5.276A1%
[email protected],
Well, If you hold the Option Key while dragging the markers you can adjust
in 1/100th inch increments (or whatever your measurement system is set
Just exactly how much of a control freak are you?... Don't answer that ;-)
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 7/12/07 12:51 AM, in article C2BBE94E.531E%
[email protected], "John
Oh yeah... You're right...
It never occurred to me to use the ruler for setting margins

I like
bit more control
On 12/7/07 2:12 PM, in article
[email protected],
Sorry, John, but you sure can

... If the vertical ruler is displayed
you go to H/F view the white segment of the ruler indicates the height &
position (Top & Bottom Header margin) of the header. Both can be
dragging the markers on the ruler - just the same as setting left &
margins on the Horizontal ruler.
It never occurred to me to mention that because I've never known anyone
change it - other than the fact that I've played with it once or
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 7/11/07 11:30 PM, in article C2BBD66A.5313%
[email protected], "John
Hi Jeff:
Ah! OK, I can see what's wrong -- you're in the wrong place. You
adjust header size with a slider

That's (probably) the Split Pane
control tat gives you two views into the same document.
In the Word Help, search on the word 'header' and read the help topic
"Adjust the vertical position of a header or footer"
On 11/7/07 2:48 AM, in article C2B937A8.5AD8F%
[email protected],
Hi Folks,
I'm sorry I don't have more info yet. I'm using Word 11.3.5(070413)
I opened up the side rulers on the third page, where the problem
occurring and tried to move the slider up to shorten the header [it is
1/4 of the page with no tabs or returns], but instead, the header
jumps and makes the entire page a header, rather than reducing it.
Anyway, I'm not sure but I delete modifications made to the Normal
which for some reason, rather than creating a new style when
edited the Normal style and added the mod description to the name.
seems to have fixed it on one document. I then turned off auto update
That seems to have fixed it for now. There was nothing in the mods
that should have created the problem. It was changing the font to
Garamond Pro and centering the text.
Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
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