Header - Multiple Calendars


Joost Hermans

One of our secretary's manages about 20-25 calendars.

All the mailboxes are added to her outlook 2003 profile, thus displaying
them as an option in the calendar view. When she checks one of the names in
the left pane, the corresponding agenda appears in the left pane, no problem

The issue however that arises when she opens, say 5 agenda's at once, to
schedule a meeting, all the headers above the calendars, read "calendar"
whitout any person name. She now has to look at the left pane to match the
names to the colors of the agenda's.

With one or two calendars this is no problem, but it becomes tricky with more.

The question now is: Is there a way to display something else than
"Calendar" above each agenda, for example the person name??

Thanx in advance for any effort!

Joost Hermans

Thanks for the answer!

Just one thing, is there a limit to the list of other calendars?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

I believe so but AFAIK, no one has hit it (that I recall) - Some things have
a limit of 50, if this doesn't then I'm guessing it will make it to 128.

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