Header Row in Excel


Larry Hughes

I have a spread sheet with many columns and rows and I would like for the
First line of each column to remain visible as a user scrolls down the rows
so that he/she will be able to see that that data represents by simply
looking up(instead of scrooling all the way back up) to see that is the
heading of that column.

Any help would be appreciated.

Larry Hughes

George Gee


Click on A2, then on the top toolbar, Window > Freeze panes.

George Gee


Hi Larry,

Select the row 2, if you want to freeze row 1

click on the menu WINDOW | FREEZE PANEL

Does this Help?
regards from Brazil

"Larry Hughes" escreveu:

David McRitchie

and for the same thing in printed worksheets
file, page setup, sheets, Rows to repeat at top: $1:$1
file, peg setup , Sheets, Columns to repeat at left: $A:$A
there is a little more flexibility in printing to allow you o not print headings
on the first page(s) until you need a page break after your designated entries.
More information on both see


Larry Hughes said:
I have a spread sheet with many columns and rows and I would like for the
First line of each column to remain visible as a user scrolls down the rows
so that he/she will be able to see that that data represents by simply
looking up(instead of scrooling all the way back up) to see that is the
heading of that column.

Any help would be appreciated.

Larry Hughes


According to the guidelines of how to post and the opinion of the majority, we are supposed to do research before we post. This makes sense. However, sometimes I have a different view. If the OP had found the answer from Excel Help, then he/she might not have posted. As a result, I would not have known about your web site which is a gift. You know if I know how to do something, I probably won't research. Thanks.


Also you might want to so see
which covers some related things.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel
My Excel Pages: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/excel.htm
Search Page: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/search.htm

I went to Excel Help and did a search and found the following link.



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