


I want to place the file creation date in a office 2003 word header.

If I open the header and drop down to file created on it inserts today's
date, and not the file creation or last modified date.

This worked with office 2000, what changed?


Open the header, press Alt+F9 to display field codes, change the { DATE
} field to a { CREATEDATE } field, press Alt+F9 to display field
results, and close the header.


Wow, thanks for this info.
BUT, when I do a Alt+F9 it does show CREATDATE, and it shows the current date!

I am trying to document some C++ programs.
so when I used to open up a .cpp program with Word 2000 I open a header and
click on file created on and the file date and time is put into the header.
This way I know when the file was made.

Now I have Office 2003 Pro.
I do the same, and when I open a .cpp file all is well.
But when I try to insert the file created on into a header, (as I just
stated, it does show CREATEDATE, it shows todays date. I then go to Windows
explorer, and the file date is July 2003, which is the create date I am
looking for.

So, What did the MicroSoft people do?


The CREATEDATE field inserts the date and time that a document was first
saved with its current name, as recorded on the Statistics tab in the
Properties dialog box (File menu). Word 2003 probably isn't using the
Windows file date of the .cpp file because you are converting a .cpp
file to a Word file. Not sure why it should or would work differently
in Word 2000.

Lab lady

If, when you are in your header, you type "Created ", click Insert and Date &
Time, choose the date option you want, and UNCHECK the Update automatically
box, the date will remain the same. The same applies when you modify the


This does not work.
When you insert date and time it inserts todays date!
I still do not know what the original file date is or was.

If I open a doc file, then this works correctly.
Word knows when a doc file was created and inserts the correct file created
But, when you open a non-doc file, like a .cpp file (C++ source code), Word
2003 does not know what to do with it.


When I use Word 2000, it operates correctly and inserts the correct created
on date.

How does one get to Microsoft and tell them there is a serious problem with
their Word 2003 program ?

Charles Kenyon

See garfield-n-odie's second response to you of 2/16. It explains what is
going on. The problem is that Word is giving you the date you created the
current file. That is, Word is giving you the correct creation date; just
not the date the previous file was created.

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