Headers/Footers and Watermarks


Tom Smith

Word 2003 under Win XP.

I created a document by pasting together two separate documents, one of
which had a footer and also a watermark. I then began to add new sections
using Insert|Break|Next Page. When I went back to check on the appearance of
the document, I discovered three goofy things:

1. A header box had miraculously expanded to fill half of one page, pushing
the text down.

2. I was unable to clean up the footers (i.e. get one footer to repeat in
subsequent sections, as would normally be expected).

3. I was unable to delete the original watermark.

I solved my production problem by deleting all section breaks, copying all
of the document except the final para mark to a new document, and
reformatting. Thus far all seems fine.

But I was baffled by the behavior of this (admittedly kludged) document. I
believe I'm right in thinking that watermarks are somehow connected to
headers/footers. But it isn't clear to me exactly how. Could one of you
folks point me to something I can read/study that would help? And do you
have any guesses about why some of the behaviors I noted above took place?

Behaviors? Yikes. It sounds like I'm talking about a human subject here.
But thanks for any help. Tom

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When a header appears to take up half the page, it can often be because the
vertical alignment of the given section has been set to Center instead of
Top (Layout tab of Page Setup), but it could be caused by having a graphic
in the header that is not formatted as Behind Text.

And that's all a watermark is: a graphic anchored to the header and
formatted as Behind Text. In Word 2003, you can easily insert watermarks
using Format | Background | Printed Watermark, but in multi-section
documents watermarks can be difficult to remove if you don't understand
their essential nature, which you're more likely to understand if you have
inserted them manually as described in “HOW TO: Create a Watermark in Word
97 and in Microsoft Word 2000” at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=211324.
For more on graphics anchored to the header, see

To remove an unwanted watermark, then, View | Header and Footer, click on
the graphic, and press Delete.

Tom Smith

Suzanne--Many thanks for the swift and helpful reply. In fact, I did have
one of the pages of the source documents centered vertically; I should have
thought of that myself. But your answer is most helpful. Thx again. Tom

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