Headers & Footers - Font Effects are dimmed



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

Hello. I'm trying to reformat headers that were created in an Excel document 3 years ago. I'm willing to bet that I created this file in a different version of Excel - maybe on a PC or an earlier Mac version like X.

Problem is, when I go to View - Headers and Footers, I can change the contents of the headers and/or footers, I can change the font, but I can't get to the "Effects" area. All of the choices (subscript, superscript, shadow, etc) are greyed out. The problem is, "shadow" is checked and I can't get in and uncheck it.

Advice? Help? Assistance? Anything is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


What you're finding is the expected behavior. Headers & Footers are
restricted by design with regard to Formatting options.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac



Thanks for the quick response. I think the problem is, when I go into Excel on another Mac (and using 2008 instead of 2004), those "effects" check boxes aren't available, but they also aren't checked. Meaning, I'm free to create headers and footers using an available font, but I'm not locked into having some weird "shadow" or "outline" effect on the font. The 2004 document I'm updating has that darn "shadow" effect checked, but dimmed and therefore unreachable. I went thru every backdoor I could think of to turn off the effect, but no luck. I mean, I don't think it's the standard. If you were to create a new worksheet in Excel 2004, I bet that "outline" effect box wouldn't be accessible, but I also doubt it would be checked.

I was trying to avoid having to recreate the document, even if I just cut and paste the 10 worksheets over to a new, 2008 Excel workbook, but it looks like that is my solution.

Again, thanks for your response.


I've never seen what you're describing - Mac or PC - so how the checks came
to be I have no idea. I've tried using fonts which are designed with
built-in shadow effects, copying WordArt with shadows, etc. & can't force it
to happen in 2008 or 2004 so I also have no idea how to remove the effects.
What happens if you select a different font? Are the effects retained?

Can you just create new H/F with a font of your choice without having to
remake the entire workbook? If not I have a feeling that it may be some sort
of a corruption issue unless the file was created using a version that may
have included those formatting options - I honestly can't remember whether
any version ever did, though.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Bob...again thanks for your input. Yes, I tried going in, deleting all H/F info and rebulding, but I think you're right, that it is a corruption issue. Odd on a Mac I think, but who knows.

Instead, I emailed the 2004 file to my new iMac, which has Office 2008. I opened a new Excel workbook, duplicated the pages, then went in to the 2004 document, cut and pasted the info into the 2008 document and then built new headers and footers. Problem solved.

Still, quite a weird glitch.

Thanks again for your assistance!

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