Headers/Footers in Macros?



Hi There:

We have re-created our letterhead by placing a line of
text down the left side and the title of our company at
the top next to the text on the left side. Both the text
and title have been placed into text boxes and placed into
the header/footer. Can we create a macro from this
(header/footer text box letterhead) so that when a user
clicks the insert letterhead button, it will input the
letterhead where specified allowing text to be typed next
to the text box on the left and below the title box.
Please email me and I will send you a sample of our new
letterhead for a clearer explanation.

Our previous letterhead was a table at the top in a solid
box format and worked great with this feature.

Thank you for your time.

Mark Tangard

Hi Renee,

You can build a macro to add letterhead elements to an
existing document, but it's quite involved and prone to
errors arising from, among other things, nonstandard
dimensions of the document. The usual way to do this
is to create a template containing these elements and
have users launch new documents based on that template
when they want letterhead. While it's true that this
doesn't allow after-the-fact conversion to letterhead
document, once users are trained to grab the template
at the beginning, the demand for the after-the-fact
method typically plummets.

The following simple one-line macro:

Documents.Add Template:="C:\Path\YourTemplateName.dot"

can be assigned to a custom menu item or toolbar button
to allow users to launch a fresh new document based on
the template, alleviating the relative tedium of using
the File-> New dialog for this.

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