headers getting rid of those damn things !!!!!!



I need to get Outlook to autoprint html emails
that come in ... OK easy with "rules " .For background
info the email prints out onto an A4 label which is essentially
an Invoice and a delivery label

The problem i have is removing the headers from the email , the
headers and footers are controlled within IE setting so i can turn them off
no problem ... the last step and the thing thats proving to be the
hassle is turning off the HEADERS ..... ie

TO :

These appear at the top of every email , making it useless for my purposes
I last looked into this some 3/4 years ago and it seemed there was not a
solution then so I ended up using my current configuration which it a pickup
by OE
and a autoforward to Eudora which has some code removed that takes out the
headers and then autoprints it. This works relatively fine but meaning
having two
apps running at one time and also it can be tempremental , some days 50%
of the printouts are completely blank for no apprent reason .

Ok Any clues as to either turn of headers or getinto the code to make it
think such things as headers dont exist !! I have been trying various things
nothing seeems to work so if you really really know how to do this i would
appreciate if you could give me a step by step .....

Further i am choosing now to go with Outllok but of you know how to do this
in OE6 that would be appreacited ,also just for background info to acheive
in eudora you need to tweak the .ini file , can this be done with OE or OL ?

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