Headers in inserted docs



OK, following a little research into my problem. I am now
in a position to put a qusestion to you kind people, in a
little more concise manner than has previously been the

I have 4 docs

#1 one page
#2 three pages
#3 One page
#4 two pages

I want to insert them in this order (#1,2,3,4) into a new

Please can someone tell me where I should put the section
breaks (and what type) on docs # 1,2,3 &4 and which doc# I
should put the header so that when interted in the new

what was #1 has NO HEADER
what was #2 has HEADERS
what was #3 has HEADER
what was #4 has NO headers

BUT and this is a big "BUT" this must be achieved without
having to alter section breaks and headers AFTER the
insertion has taken place.

I hope this makes sense. If anyone can come up with the
exact method for doing this, they will gain hero status in
my eyes.

Many thanks


Margaret Aldis

Hi smiffy

The 'golden rule' is that section breaks hold *all* the section page format
information for the section *above* the section break. So, to capture the
page layout in each of the documents, add a section break at the end of the
document, unlink the header and footer (where they exist) so that they do
not say "Same As Previous" and then paste the document in with its final
section break.

I'm assuming here that the source docs have their headers in place before
insertion. If not, and you don't want to make any changes in the target,
you'll need to add them after unlinking the header and footers in the source

Hope this helps


Hi Catherine

Thank you for responding.

The docs #1,2,3 and 4 are inserted into a new blank doc.
Yes, all headers (where present) are identical

I look forward to your thoughts



Thanks for that Margaret

I have tried every concievable combination (or so I think)

In inserting the docs into a new blank doc, section breaks
seem to change ie change from continous to new page etc.

I will do as you have suggested just incase I have missed

Stand by!!



Hi Margaret

Well, I am getting close now.

I inserted a nexpage section break at the end of #1,2,3
and set the headers as you suggested. In #4 I inserted a
continuous section break (so that I didnt have an extra
blank sheet at the end of the merged doc.

All is fine except the section break in what was #4 has
changed to a next page section break in the merged doc,
meaning that I have an extra blank page at the end.

What can I do to the original premerged #4 doc to stop

Thanks again for your help


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