Need help in creating a numbering scheme that appears as follows:
Chapter I - H1
A. - H2
1. - H3
(a) - H4
i. - H5
a. - H6
(1) - H7
(a) - H8
The paragraphs will be numbered with chapter.paragraph numbers (e.g., I.1).
The paragraph numbering will be continuous throughout the chapter. The para
number can appear after any level as indicated below:
Chapter 1 - H1
A. - H2
1.1 - paragraph
B. - H2
1.2 - paragraph
1. - H3
1.3 - paragraph
C. - H4
1. - H3
However, this is what happens:
Chapter 1 - H1
A. - H2
1.1 - paragraph
B. - H2
1.2 - paragraph
1. - H3
1.3 - paragraph
C. - H4
2. - H3 (the numbering should restart)
Chapter I - H1
A. - H2
1. - H3
(a) - H4
i. - H5
a. - H6
(1) - H7
(a) - H8
The paragraphs will be numbered with chapter.paragraph numbers (e.g., I.1).
The paragraph numbering will be continuous throughout the chapter. The para
number can appear after any level as indicated below:
Chapter 1 - H1
A. - H2
1.1 - paragraph
B. - H2
1.2 - paragraph
1. - H3
1.3 - paragraph
C. - H4
1. - H3
However, this is what happens:
Chapter 1 - H1
A. - H2
1.1 - paragraph
B. - H2
1.2 - paragraph
1. - H3
1.3 - paragraph
C. - H4
2. - H3 (the numbering should restart)