I need to number a document. I am using heading style 1
and 2, and can number them no problem. But I also need to
number the paragraphs below as follows:
1 Heading style 1
1.1 heading style 2
1.1.1 normal text
1.1.2 normal text
2.1 heading style 2
2.1.1 normal text and so on
but sometimes I don't have a subheading (heading style 2)..
1. heading style one
1.1 normal text
1.2 normal text
so I need the numbering on level 2 (1.1, 1.2 etc) to be a
heading style and a 'normal' text style, depending on
whether text is preceded by only heading style one, or by
both heading style 1 and heading style 2.
and 2, and can number them no problem. But I also need to
number the paragraphs below as follows:
1 Heading style 1
1.1 heading style 2
1.1.1 normal text
1.1.2 normal text
2.1 heading style 2
2.1.1 normal text and so on
but sometimes I don't have a subheading (heading style 2)..
1. heading style one
1.1 normal text
1.2 normal text
so I need the numbering on level 2 (1.1, 1.2 etc) to be a
heading style and a 'normal' text style, depending on
whether text is preceded by only heading style one, or by
both heading style 1 and heading style 2.