Headings sometime starts new page



I know I can format a Heading 1,2 etc. to start a new page. However, I
want this UNLESS they follow a heading already.
For example: I use Heading 1 sparingly and when used it is immediately
followed by a heading 2 that would otherwise always start a new page.
I do not want it to start a new page when a heading 1 is previous.
Same for the Heading 3 that may follow immediately after a headin 2.
I would hope there is baried somewhere a way to do this without
writing long code. I will accept code though if the instructions are
easy enough to reproduce.

Thank you very much for any advice.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The only way I know of to do this is to selectively remove the "Page break
before" property manually. This is easier if you add a toolbar button for
it; it's available in Tools | Customize (Format | Para Page Break Before)
but doesn't have a default icon, so you'll have to select or create one.

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