Height alignment in reports




I developing a report in a specific format for my Army Inspection Database.

In the detail section of the report is a text box and directly adjacent to
the text box is a subreport containing several fields. The supreport will
grow or shrink based upon the amound of data in that subreport, however what
I would like to have is the text box that is adjacent to the subreport grow
and shrink vertically only along with the subreport so their bottom border is
always on the same line.

If anybody knows how to have the height of the text box stay the same with
the subreport directly on its right, can you please help me.

I've tried using the VBA line:

me.textbox.height = me.subreport.height

but that doesn't work. I've always played with the windowheight property in
VBA but couldn't get that to work either.

Thanks for the help.


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