Hello again!


Peter Pyon

Mr. Lee

Today is holiday, it's called "labor day", I presume that almost all
companies are closed today.
I suspect you're closed also. Although, as i recalled, you told me to come
to work on Monday, holiday, labor's day.
Please confirm this day of work, because i charge doubles on holiday.

If you're consent with this matter, please inform me as soon as possible. so
that we aren't misunderstand each other.

Thanks for your attention.



Larry Linson

Unless Mr. Lee is a regular participant in the microsoft.public.access
newsgroup, a technical newsgroup devoted to questions, answers, and
discussion about Microsoft Access database software, the chances that he saw
the following are (1) slim and (2) none.

I would guess that you really intended to e-mail it, and made a mistake. As
it is now 11:30PM on Monday, September 3 (Labor Day) and you posted it at
11:50AM, my time, so Labor Day working hours are over here. If Mr. Lee
_did_ want you to come in, you may be in some trouble with him. Good luck.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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