Hello, I am Helen!. And even though this my first post here,



Hello, I am Helen!.
And even though this my first post here, I for a long time on thi
forum www.officehelp.in
I'm not sure if this should go here or in the GENERAL DISCUSS section
so if it's in the wrong place, my apologies (and can someone move i
please! EXCUSE uneducated girl).
I just loved this topic. Honestly we should start some movement o
society. Anyway I'm also one of those people who enjoy to discus
"Office Update"
in my opinion it would be a lot better to get some fact into our STUF

I'll glad read all new information about this topic..
Thanks a lot
Helen V. Bede

Tom Willett

The Office Update newsgroup is not a chatroom for general subjects.
It's purpose is to discuss issues and problems using Microsoft Office Update
to update MS Office products.

| Hello, I am Helen!.
| And even though this my first post here, I for a long time on this
| forum www.officehelp.in
| I'm not sure if this should go here or in the GENERAL DISCUSS section,
| so if it's in the wrong place, my apologies (and can someone move it
| please! EXCUSE uneducated girl).
| I just loved this topic. Honestly we should start some movement or
| society. Anyway I'm also one of those people who enjoy to discuss
| "Office Update"
| in my opinion it would be a lot better to get some fact into our STUFF
| I'll glad read all new information about this topic..
| Thanks a lot
| Helen V. Beden
| --
| HelenVBeden
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| HelenVBeden's Profile: http://www.officehelp.in/member.php?userid=6317
| View this thread: http://www.officehelp.in/showthread.php?t=1338910
| Posted from - http://www.officehelp.in

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