Help 2nd request (sumif formula of similar 17-04-08)



Is anybody able to help me with the way to create a formular, originally
posted on the 17-04-08, this post contains the full details of my question

Thanks Joco (London)

Mike H


If ive understood correct try this for monthly balance
and for yearly

In both cases i've included the month and year in the formula but thay could
be cell references


Mike hi,

Thanks for your reply, but it's not quite what I am looking for, this would
give me a net value of the months total transaction, asuming each line had a
date entry, which they do not.

Column (F) has all sorts of names in it, with Receipts in column (G) and
payments in column (H) for example

Rates 200.00
* Abbey National 150.00
Credit Card 300.00
* Nationwide 200.00
* Ings 100.00
Insurance 150.00
* HSBC 250.00

What I am looking to do is produce a value for the items shown with *, of
200.00 posative which is the net value of my savings in the period. Any
formular would have to be based on line numbers, as only the 1st entry of
each day has a date in column C

My current sumif produces the correct answer, but is difficult to control
due to the large number of names it needs to produce a value for

I would like to put the names in a seperate column, and have any formular or
macro refer to the additional names

Hope this makes my problem clearer

Thanks Joco (London)

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