Help a Swim Team, worksheet function issue



I am creating a workbook that records a swimmer's times, determines
the fastest times for that swimmer, sorts the swimmers into age groups
and then determines the best combination of swimmers for a relay.

I am stuct on the ability to use a worksheet function combined with a
Select Case structure and the copy function.

The cells seem to be selected, but the actual paste fails to happen.

Sub AgeGroup()

Dim WkSht As Worksheet

For Each WkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

Age = WkSht.Cells(2, 2).Value 'This cell contains the age of
the swimmer
Name = WkSht.Cells(1, 1).Value 'This cell contains the name of
the swimmer

If Age > 100 Then GoTo Continue

'Controls the row fastest times are pasted in on Age Group
Wkshts (Not the Name)
T = 5 ' 8 and Under
U = 5 ' 9-10 swimmer count
V = 5 ' 11-12
W = 5 ' 13-14
X = 5 ' 15-18 count

Select Case Age

Case 0 To 8.99
GoTo Continue

Case 9 To 10.99
Range("C5:Y5").Select 'Should select the row of thefastest
times on this worksheet
Sheets("Age Group 9-10").Select
Range(Cells(U, 3)).Select ' U is the row the swimmers
times are pasted
U = U + 1

Case 11 To 12.99 'These will be completed once this %$#@@3
thing works!
GoTo Continue

Case 13 To 14.99 'These will be completed once this %$#@@3
thing works!
GoTo Continue

Case 15 To 18.99 'These will be completed once this %$#@@3
thing works!

GoTo Continue

End Select

Next WkSht

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Sub AgeGroup()

T = 5 ' 8 and Under
U = 5 ' 9-10 swimmer count
V = 5 ' 11-12
W = 5 ' 13-14
X = 5 ' 15-18 count

Dim WkSht As Worksheet

For Each WkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
' don't process sheets with Age in the name
if instr(1,,"age",vbTextCompare) = 0 then
Age = WkSht.Cells(2, 2).Value
Name = WkSht.Cells(1, 1).Value
If Age > 100 Then GoTo Continue

Select Case Age

Case 0 To 8.99
WkSht.Range("C5:Y5").Copy _
Sheets("Age Group 8 and Under").Cells(T, 3)
T = T + 1
Case 9 To 10.99
WkSht.Range("C5:Y5").Copy _
Sheets("Age Group 9-10").Cells(U, 3)
U = U + 1
Case 11 To 12.99
WkSht.Range("C5:Y5").Copy _
Sheets("Age Group 11-12").Cells(V, 3)
V = V + 1
Case 13 To 14.99 'These
GoTo Continue

Case 15 To 18.99
GoTo Continue

End Select
End if

Next WkSht

End Sub

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