Help anyone???



Hi Everyone,

I'd like some help with the following (which I think is quite simpl
but...) I've created the following spreadsheet:

ProductCode PurchaseDate Style Clr InvCd SI/PQ/US
10042S001 01/07/2004 10042S 001 SI 199
10042S001 01/08/2004 10042S 001 SI 250
10042S001 01/09/2004 10042S 001 SI 500
10042S001 01/10/2004 10042S 001 PQ 100
10042S001 01/10/2004 10042S 001 US -449

SI= starting Inventory
PQ= Purchased Qty
US= Units Sold

I would like to add a colomn which states the closing Balance (in qty
but using the FIFO method.

The additional colomn would have to come back with:

ProductCode PurchaseDate Style Clr InvCd ClosingBalance
10042S001 01/07/2004 10042S 001 SI 0
10042S001 01/08/2004 10042S 001 SI 0
10042S001 01/09/2004 10042S 001 SI 500
10042S001 01/09/2004 10042S 001 PQ 100
10042S001 01/09/2004 10042S 001 US 0

Is there a formula for this?

Would appreciate any help,



Bob Phillips

I think we need more details on where those numbers come from, why are the
first two and the last 0?


The closing Balance qty is 600


As the FIFO method applies the sold units consists out of 199+25
leaving the remainder for the closing balance hence the zero's fo
01/07/2004 & 01/08/2004. The sold units should be zero on the closin

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