help assistant


adam kurt

I'm interested in creating a help assistant, I have an indea for the
character and think it would be fun...does anyone know where to start in
doing there any sdk's or some kind of templates with which to
start?, projects (vc++), etc....
anyhelp would be nice

Jay Freedman

I'm interested in creating a help assistant, I have an indea for the
character and think it would be fun...does anyone know where to start in
doing there any sdk's or some kind of templates with which to
start?, projects (vc++), etc....
anyhelp would be nice

The Help assistants are a particular application of the Microsoft
Agent technology. There is some good information about it at the MSDN
site, but it's actually easier to find information from the Agent
Ring, a group of enthusiasts. Start here:

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.

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