DWC via OfficeKB.com
Many thanks in advance for considering the following request:
I am developing an 'Approval to Travel' form for a company intranet using
Word 2K
Unless a better method is proposed in this thread, I will use field codes (I
have very limited experience) within tables to prompt/ populate the form but
I cannot resolve the scenario below - noting that I use the word "Prompt"
instead of e.g. "Fill-In" because of the checkbox factor:
Prompt1 = "Do you need PUBLIC TRANSPORT? Yes <checkbox> No" <checkbox>
If applicant checkboxes 'Yes" then:
Prompt2a = "Specify Mode" (Plane, Train, Bus, etc)
If applicant checkboxes 'No" then:
Prompt2b = "Do you need DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLE? Yes <checkbox> No" <checkbox>
And so on...
Can someone clarify how this can be acheived, includng using checkboxes
during the automation stage?
Ultimately I am trying to reduce clutter on the form so that, when all info
is entered, the form only pulls back that info specific for the applicant's
Many, many thanks in advance
I am developing an 'Approval to Travel' form for a company intranet using
Word 2K
Unless a better method is proposed in this thread, I will use field codes (I
have very limited experience) within tables to prompt/ populate the form but
I cannot resolve the scenario below - noting that I use the word "Prompt"
instead of e.g. "Fill-In" because of the checkbox factor:
Prompt1 = "Do you need PUBLIC TRANSPORT? Yes <checkbox> No" <checkbox>
If applicant checkboxes 'Yes" then:
Prompt2a = "Specify Mode" (Plane, Train, Bus, etc)
If applicant checkboxes 'No" then:
Prompt2b = "Do you need DEPARTMENTAL VEHICLE? Yes <checkbox> No" <checkbox>
And so on...
Can someone clarify how this can be acheived, includng using checkboxes
during the automation stage?
Ultimately I am trying to reduce clutter on the form so that, when all info
is entered, the form only pulls back that info specific for the applicant's
Many, many thanks in advance