HELP: Averaging values if they meet certain criteria




I have two worksheets and I'm trying to enter a function into the second
worksheet based on data in the first. They are based on recruitment activity,
e.g. how long it takes to fill a vacancy, the candidate source, etc.

Column P, "Offered" is simply a date (format d-mm-yy).
Column S, "Time to Fill" is a "Days360" function based of the date the
vacancy was received and the "Offered" date.

In the second workshop I want to create a function that will calculate the
average Time to Fill for any role offered in a particular month.

Please can someone help me! If necessary I can send you the spreadseet to



You can use an array* formula like:


where condition_1 relates to your roles and condition_2 relates to the
month. I don't know what column you use to record the roles, but
assuming it is column D, then condition_1 would be written as (Sheet1!D
$2:D$100=A2) where A2 is the cell on your second sheet where you can
enter the role you are interested in. Condition_2 can be written as
(MONTH(Sheet1!P$2:p$100)=9) if you are interested in September, or you
could put 9 into B2 of the second sheet and then refer to B2.

*As this is an array function then once you have typed it in (or
subsequently edit it) you must use CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER rather than the
usual ENTER. If you do this correctly then Exel will wrap curly braces
{ } around the formula when viewed in the formula bar - you must not
type these yourself.

You details are a bit scant, but adjust all the cell and sheet
references to suit your particular situation.

Hope this helps.



this should work:

For an average use a combination of SUMIF(range, condition) / countif(rango,

This will calculate a sum based on certain criteria, and also a coun of the
occurances of that criteria, hence an average using divided by in the middle

Let me know if ya want further explanation.


Hi Pete,

I'm sorry but I've entered this formula


and then hit ctrl+shift+enter however it tells me I have an error in it.

Offered is the range of dates and TTF is the range of number values that I
want to average (per month).

What have I don't wrong?

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