Help Button




Does anyone know how I can place a button on my form that when I click it, it will open up Word (notepad, Excel, etc...) and display a specific file with "help" topics


Niklas Östergren

Hm, yes I do!
The thing is that I have searched for this and read about it but never got
it to work, until reasently!

First of all which version of Access do you use? If it´s A97 or older you
shall use WinHelp file. If it´s A2000 and newer you can use WinHelp (if I´m
right) but most common and easiest (I think) is HTML Help files.

So how do you create these files?
By using a helpfilecompiler and some sort of helpfile develop programs. And
ther´s a lot of them. The good part here is that some of them are free, at
least for a while (trial).

One good web-site I got from some kind person here was From this site I have downloaded
program "Help Development Studio". It´s quit easy to use and I can create
WinHelp files AND HTML-help files with it.

The easiest thing here is to write the text in MsWord or simular and then
Paste/Copy the text into Help Development Studio.

When you create a helpfile you create a lot of <Topics> each topict has it´s
own uniqe ID (No 10, 11, 24 and so on). This ID is then used in your
forms/controls to refere to correct topics.

Open up a form and propertie for that form, select tab "General" (I think in
english ?). On line "Helpfile" you type in the name of the helpfile you just
created. Make sure you put the compiled helpfile in the same folder as the
db goes.

The last finishing touch you have to do is to add the ID for the topic in
the propertie for the form (don´t know the english word but it´s the line
under "Helpfile". Save the fom and you´r ready to go!

Each control hav the same propertie so if you´d like to create a specific
tipic just for one control and "link" it to the helpfile it´s possible!

I hope this help you out!?

// Niklas

Bax said:

Does anyone know how I can place a button on my form that when I click it,
it will open up Word (notepad, Excel, etc...) and display a specific file
with "help" topics?

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