I get the compile error: ByRef Argument Type Mismatch
at the line Call Upate(itercount, a(i))
and it doesn't make sense to me. I am passing only one element of an
array and the types seems fine to me.
Here is the example:
Private type Iteration
Name as string
count as integer
end type
private type j
domain as string
it() as Iteration
end type
public function start()
dim i, itercount as integer
dim a(500) as j
itercount = Worksheet("iters").Range("c1")
for i = 0 to 499
redim a(i).it(itercount ) as Iteration
Call Update(itercount, a(i))
end function
' NOTE this function is in a separate ( .xla sheet) Module
Public Function Update(byval icount as long, byref DomIters as j)
' stuff done in here
end function
at the line Call Upate(itercount, a(i))
and it doesn't make sense to me. I am passing only one element of an
array and the types seems fine to me.
Here is the example:
Private type Iteration
Name as string
count as integer
end type
private type j
domain as string
it() as Iteration
end type
public function start()
dim i, itercount as integer
dim a(500) as j
itercount = Worksheet("iters").Range("c1")
for i = 0 to 499
redim a(i).it(itercount ) as Iteration
Call Update(itercount, a(i))
end function
' NOTE this function is in a separate ( .xla sheet) Module
Public Function Update(byval icount as long, byref DomIters as j)
' stuff done in here
end function