HELP!! -- Calendar Formatting



Two quick questions for which I can't find an answer in my copy of the
Project Bible. And, of course, I need the answers 20 mins ago ;-)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Both are concerned with the calendar view, in particular.

1) Is there a way to set groups of tasks (assigned to different teams, for
example) so they display on the calendar view with different color bars?
That way, at a glance teams could determine the crap that they need to pay
attention too amidst all the other stuff....

2) When I view the calendar on my computer screen, the is a *very* slight
gap between the edges of the bar for a task an the gridlines for a
particular day making it easy to distinguish one day from the other. When I
PRINT the calendar, however, the task bars run right up to the date
gridlines with no breathing room. Is there any way to make the format on
paper match the visual on my monitor?
(Please note, BAR ROUNDING is selected for all these tasks... It needs to
be beacuse if we turn it off, thenames of tasks get so truncated we can't
tell what's what)


Mike Glen

Hi Anony,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

1) You might like to see FAQ Item: 31. Customizing Task Bars. FAQs,
companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at this
web address:

2) I don't believe there is a way to do this, but Please see FAQ Item: 44.
Printing Problems:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

Gérard Ducouret

Hello AnonyMouse,

Question 1 : Definitely No ! (sorry)
Question 2 : AFAIK, that's No also (sorry again)

Gérard Ducouret


1) You might like to see FAQ Item: 31. Customizing Task Bars. FAQs,
companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at this
web address:

While this FAQ addresses changing colors for information in the GANTT view,
it doesn't appear that those changes 'carry over' into the CALENDAR view
(which is what I was concerned with).

Is there a way to make these changes push into the calendar view as well? I
basically want people to be able to glance at (a rather complex) calendar
and be able to spot their responsibilities based on color code!

Thanks much!

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