HELP! Can't copy using right-click



I'm trying to copy a letter I have already created in Word so I can paste it
into a new document. But when I select all of the text and right-click on my
mouse, all of the text is de-selected except for the header (ex. "Dear
Olivia") and "Copy" or "Cut" do not appear as options when the right-click
button is held down, only auto-text replacement suggestions. What happened?
I can use the drop down menu at the top, but not the right-click. Aargh! Any
help would be GREATLY appreciated!



Possibly your ClipBoard isn't cleared. Check Tools/Templates/Add-ins and see
if you have anything out-of-the-ordinary here. Disable if you do, then try.

Also a good troubleshooter is to open up Word in safe mode (hold down CTRL
key while double clicking on Word icon or goto Start/Run and type in
"winword.exe /safe" (without quotes).

Here's some documentation on Word Command Lines to see what /safe mode
disables - you can see a full list
of things to try (e.g. deleting, data key, etc.).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Shortcut menus are "context" menus; they contain different commands
depending on the context in which they appear. But the keyboard shortcuts
for Cut, Copy, and Paste (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V, respectively) work in
any situation.

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