HELP! - Cutting and Pasting Data into Text Box?




My customer needs about 12 sections in a table, into which users will "cut
and paste" data from various Excel spreadsheets.

Initially I created a repeating table. However, my customer wants to be able
to have them copy SEVERAL lines and once, and paste them into the form, and
have all the lines visible/legible.

The problem is (of course) that when you paste the data into the Infopath
form, the data ends up as one LOOOONG string - it does not appear as
different lines.

Please, please - is there I way that I could make this work?

If so, I will look like Girl Genius and will share the credit.



If this is an Access question then try this.

Copy the cells from Excel (not the content) and then in Access highlight the
intended fields and records.

This means if you copied 2 columns by 3 rows of Excel then you must
highlight 2 fields and 3 records.

Daryl S

Trng_Chickster -

Try opening the form in datasheet view, which looks a little like Excel, and
will allow copy/paste in ranges. You may need to re-arrange the column order
(in either Excel or the form) to make the copy/paste correct. If you are
pasting in NEW rows, then you only select the row in Access with the * to the
left (click on the asterisk to select the entire row). The columns being
pasted in must match the column order of the rows, though extra columns in
the form will be ignored.

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