Help, Entourage 2004 data lost for 1 user on hard reboot



Imac, Tiger, Entourage 2004
Another cry for help...
My other half chose to do a hard reboot of our iMAC when it no longer
seemed to be responding, and on switching to my user space and
Entourage launching automatically, it showed up the configuration
assistant and absolutely nothing in the Entourage window, no files,
mail, notes (the worst to have lost), calendar, contacts...

The MUD shows 18MB, and nothing in mail, notes, etc. I tried
restarting again and it's the same.
Neither of us touched anything (I wasn't there!).
There doesn't seem to be a problem with space on the computer.
And I don't have a back up... :-(

I was going clone the HD with CCC but that gives out a message that I
don't understand, however my other half has already backed up his
other iMac on it so there's maybe a confict?
And then install data recuperation software.

I've read messages about looking for it elsewhere if it had moved by
itself or by error and haven't found it, nor in the trash which has
not been emptied.
I also tried rebuilding the database but it did it on the new
configuration therefore emtpy one.

NB I have a second user space for an association and that's fine, I
see all the data in the cache, and the MUD show 350+ MB (there's a lot
more mail).

I have to switch off now and won't see any replies until I get back
tomorrow evening, if I can find them! (I live in France, it's
midnight, I'm not French but the iMac's in French which doesn't help
cos I have to figure out what corresponds to what), but I'd be very
grateful for any light anyone can shed on this. I can't believe it's
just gone.
I'd so much like to recuperate my notes more than anything (I'm going
to install a dedicated program now).

Many thanks

Diane Ross

My other half chose to do a hard reboot of our iMAC when it no longer
seemed to be responding, and on switching to my user space and
Entourage launching automatically, it showed up the configuration
assistant and absolutely nothing in the Entourage window, no files,
mail, notes (the worst to have lost), calendar, contacts...

It's possible it's gone forever. There is an invisible folder "lost & found"
that might hold the missing Identity.

User Experiences

Lessons learned:

1) don't do a hard reboot
2) always backup your data if it's important

It's advised not to let Time Machine backup your Entourage database. If the
database is copied while being used, the backup could be corrupt. You can
set the Time Machine to exclude the Microsoft User Data folder and create an
iCal event to copy it over at night while not in use so you get one backup
daily in Time Machine.

Alternative method to use Entourage and Time Machine (does a once a day or
whatever time period you select)


Entourage and Time Machine (creates chronological backup of Identity can be
used by both Tiger and Leopard)

I was going clone the HD with CCC but that gives out a message that I
don't understand,

Take a screenshot of the error and post it. Maybe someone can make sense of
the error. You can post a screenshot link using a service like ImageShack.
ImageShack is an easy-to-use free media hosting service. It can be used to
upload images. Registration is not required in order to upload files.

ImageShack® - Image Hosting <>

How To Post Screen Shots To Newsgroups

1. On your keyboard, press Command-Shift-4.
2. On your keyboard, press the space bar.
3. Click the window you want. A picture file will appear on the desktop.
4. Go to
5. Click Browse, then navigate to and select the picture file.
6. Click "host it!".
7. Paste the "Show image to friends" URL in a newsgroup message.


As you are now finding out, hard rebooting should be done only as a last
resort, because it can cause file corruption.

Exactly :) Tell that to my other half, things went flying literally
when I saw the state of my Entourage - and he insists it wasn't his
fault. Plus he has another Imac in his office elswewhere in the
building, but prefers sending mail and surfing the net on the one that
I have my stuff on at home. He uses Mac Mail and Address Book and says
that because it's Microsoft on Mac that's why it bugged.
Why don't you have a backup?? This is inexcusable. If you know what's
good for you, you'll implement a well-thought-out backup strategy
*immediately*, and follow it religiously from now on!

Because I'm stupid? One of those things that you always planned to
do...? I don't use it in a professional capacity - yet - but I had
research in the notes for going freelance next year. And I barely get
to spend any decent time on it because of having to fit my life in
around my job. Which I've just gone back to after three weeks of sick
leave, where I had the time to get to know the iMac better, and add
stuff to it, which has now gone. And during which I decided to get a
hard drive to stick everything on when I was better, and to move onto
Leopard to switch to Mail, only the job's taken over again and I
haven't had a chance to get it yet. Never tempt fate.

But my laments don't get the data back. So it's lost forever? I'll
have to accept c'est la vie as they say here.

Thanks for replying anyway.



Sorry Diane I hadn't seen your mail before the last one

Happy ending, Panic over.
I have just found the data and have restored it.

Not sure how I came across it but suddenly found it after an enieme
search for database in French and saw one that was about 250 MB (in a
folder I'd created when tidying up my documents but hadn't realised it
should be moved into another folder, so you're right, entirely user
error). I knew it had to be there somewhere. And am amazed that such a
small error can create such anguish.
However what threw me was that a new MUD must have been created in its
place, and I was looking at that. I kept coming up with several
database references in French in Spotlight and can't tell what's what
or rename them.

But I couldn't find the hidden Lost & Found file, where about's is it
usually, or it's only created if something's hidden in it? I tired
searching in French and English, hidden in French is caché so it's a
bit confusing.

I won't do the screen capture now as the problem's resolved and I'll
start with a fresh hard drive.
Which I can now go out and get having certainly learnt a good lesson
from this. Are there any that are particularly recommended, brands or
size-wise? I've read that Firewire is in the process of phasing out so
don't know if that's crucial on it. I'm not sure about going for TIme
Machine yet.

And also move to using Mac software, find an alternative notes
mangement tool, and make copies of my notes... And do an import to
Mail etc. even if I continue with Entourage.

Thanks so much for all the info Diane, so at least even if things had
been fatal I've learnt more than a valuable lesson, and know where to
learn more in future. But I hope never to have to pipe up again under
drastic circumstances.


Diane Ross

Happy ending, Panic over.
I have just found the data and have restored it.

Great news!!!

One trick is to name your Identity something unusual. This way if you ever
have to search you'll be able to distinguish YOUR Identity over the default
"Main" Identity.

The 'lost & found' folder only exists if something is in it.

A couple of other suggestions.

1) create a new User in System Preferences for your partner. Be sure you log
out so none of your applications are open if he crashes your iMac.

2) SuperDuper! is backup software, that I've used for years. It's one of the
recommended applications to backup. The purchased version will allow you to
automatically backup every night so you always have a clone of your HD. It
also includes a feature called a "sandbox" that can save you from a bad

One of the options in SuperDuper! is to create what the author calls a
"Sandbox". It's used to revert to pre-update state of your OS. Here's a
description of how this option works:

A Sandbox is a bootable copy of your system, stored on another hard drive or
partition, that shares your personal documents and data with the original.
With SuperDuper!, you actually use the Sandbox as your startup volume. You
can safely install any system updates, drivers or programs in the Sandbox,
without worrying about what might happen to your system. If anything goes
wrong, you can simply start up from the original system. SuperDuper! has
preserved it in its original, pre-disaster state but all your new and
changed personal documents are totally up to date. Within minutes, you're up
and running again without having to go through a difficult and
time-consuming restore process.

SuperDuper! Is $27.95. I¹m not affiliated with the product. Just a satisfied
user. <>

You asked about firewire drives. I wouldn't worry about the future use.
Right now you can use them and they are relatively cheap. I would get a 500
GB drive. We'll be happy to discuss options to backup your data using an

Whatever method you select, it should be automatic. It's too easy to forget.

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