Help Excel 4.0


Fredrik Wahlgren

Jimbo said:
Anybody know where I vcan download a copy of Excel 4.0?

Thanks in Advance


It is not available for download. Try eBay. Why do you want such an old

/ Fredrik


I have an old spread sheet where I have to use the data delete function
which has been eliminated from versions. I have not found a way of doing a
data delete command on the newer versions.

JE McGimpsey

Jimbo <[email protected]> said:
I have an old spread sheet where I have to use the data delete function
which has been eliminated from versions. I have not found a way of doing a
data delete command on the newer versions.

Perhaps I just don't remember, but if you can describe the functionality
you're after, I'm sure it can be implemented in more recent versions,
either natively or via macro...

Fredrik Wahlgren


Can you open the sheet using a later version? i'm not sure what dada delete
is. Can you explain in more detail?

/ Fredrik


Ok I will try to explain this the best I can. I have a worksheet that is
approx. 900 rows tall and 10 columns wide. We use it for estimating job
materials. Each row is a different item which may or may not be used on that
job. One of the columns is for quantities to be entered and had a - in the
cell. When I would enter a quantity in that cell, the "-" would be replaced by
the quantity number. When I estimate this job, I may only need 20 of the items
listed in the worksheet. After those items have been entered, I was able to got
to data in the menu and pull down to delete and the worksheet would delete all
of the rows where I had not entered a quantity. All I would then have left were
the items that had a quantity. Somehow there was a "criteria" set up (which I
have no clue on how to do) that told the work sheet to look in the quantity
column and if a row still had a "-" in that cell, that row was to be deleted.
In the newer versions of excel if you go to data in the menu, the delete
feature is now gone.
I hope some of this makes sense to someone who is in the know.


Fredrik Wahlgren

Jimbo said:
Ok I will try to explain this the best I can. I have a worksheet that is
approx. 900 rows tall and 10 columns wide. We use it for estimating job
materials. Each row is a different item which may or may not be used on that
job. One of the columns is for quantities to be entered and had a - in the
cell. When I would enter a quantity in that cell, the "-" would be replaced by
the quantity number. When I estimate this job, I may only need 20 of the items
listed in the worksheet. After those items have been entered, I was able to got
to data in the menu and pull down to delete and the worksheet would delete all
of the rows where I had not entered a quantity. All I would then have left were
the items that had a quantity. Somehow there was a "criteria" set up (which I
have no clue on how to do) that told the work sheet to look in the quantity
column and if a row still had a "-" in that cell, that row was to be deleted.
In the newer versions of excel if you go to data in the menu, the delete
feature is now gone.
I hope some of this makes sense to someone who is in the know.


I think that the data delete feature is based on how the cells are
formatted. The same functionality could be accomplished by a macro that
loops over ther relevant cells and deletes the content depending on format.
I have not done anything similar, unfortunately. The macro should be simple,
about 10 lines of code

/ Fredrik

JE McGimpsey

Jimbo <[email protected]> said:
Ok I will try to explain this the best I can. I have a worksheet
that is approx. 900 rows tall and 10 columns wide. We use it for
estimating job materials. Each row is a different item which may or
may not be used on that job. One of the columns is for quantities to
be entered and had a - in the cell. When I would enter a quantity in
that cell, the "-" would be replaced by the quantity number. When I
estimate this job, I may only need 20 of the items listed in the
worksheet. After those items have been entered, I was able to got to
data in the menu and pull down to delete and the worksheet would
delete all of the rows where I had not entered a quantity. All I
would then have left were the items that had a quantity. Somehow
there was a "criteria" set up (which I have no clue on how to do)
that told the work sheet to look in the quantity column and if a row
still had a "-" in that cell, that row was to be deleted. In the
newer versions of excel if you go to data in the menu, the delete
feature is now gone.
I hope some of this makes sense to someone who is in the know.

First thing I would ask you is "do you really need to delete the rows?"
Applying an autofilter would allow you to hide the rows with a single

If you really need to delete them, then, if the "-" in the cell is
actually a hyphen (rather than applied via formatting), this macro will

Public Sub DeleteHyphens()
Dim rDelete As Range
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In Range("D2:D" & _
Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
If rCell.Value = "-" Then
If rDelete Is Nothing Then
Set rDelete = rCell
Set rDelete = Union(rDelete, rCell)
End If
End If
Next rCell
If Not rDelete Is Nothing Then rDelete.EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

Change the starting cell & column (here, "D2", "D") to suit.

Alternatively, if you just want to delete non-numeric cells, this will
be faster:

Public Sub DeleteTextRows()
Dim rDelete As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rDelete = Range("D2:D" & Rows.Count).SpecialCells( _
xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rDelete Is Nothing Then rDelete.EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

If you're not familiar with macros, take a look here:

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