Help! Fields appear as code.



Fields in Word such as ToC, lists of tables, lists of figures, and Endnote
fields all appear in brackets {} as code. If I select all, then hit
Ctrl-Shift-F9, I can convert it to text so the document is readable, but I
then lose the field properties and it's recognised only as text. Anyone know
how to fix this?

Terry Farrell

You can make this a permanent change by going into Tools, Options, View tab
and clear the fieldcodes option.


I am having trouble with fieldcodes and have done both F9 and the Tools,
Options approach--the codes still appear and they are affecting my page
numbering in my indexes.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

F9 updates the field. Alt+F9 toggles the field code appearance. Note,
however, that XE fields (and TC fields) are displayed as Hidden text; they
aren't toggled with Alt+F9. To hide them you need to clear the check box for
"Hidden" on the View tab of Tools | Options.


Thank you , this does work, but my question is how does this code happen? I
never did anything to that option and it never gave me trouble before, what
was triggering it to make those endnote thing into field codes?

thanks a lot!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Alt+F9 toggles field codes. Perhaps you pressed that inadvertently?

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