Help file information should corrspond to actual program: Word - .



1. In OfficeXP, OEM, looking for Cursor Control.
Help file directs me to Tools-Options -/Complex Script\
That TAB does not exist.

2. Folder-Properties- should yield three TABS:
General, Sharing and Security.

When using Win 2000 Pro under FAT32, the Scurity Tab is missing

3. Help fails to tell you how to rectify a problem with OfficeXP Spell
The automatic spellcheck is checked but no red wavy underline appears
under intentionally misspelled words.
Spellcheck immediately -> Spellcheck completed.

Many other examples found.

Open Office does a better job when one cannot rely on WORD.

Pat Garard

G'Day Gunther,
1. In OfficeXP, OEM, looking for Cursor Control.....
Have you installed "complex script and right-to-left language files"?
(Be warned now - DON'T install them if you don't need them.)
2. Folder-Properties- should yield three TABS
This is a WINDOWS matter you are in a WORD newsgroup.
Of course FAT32 doesn't support NT Security - didn't you know that?
3. Help fails to tell you how to rectify a problem with OfficeXP Spell
Help is there to help you use the Product - help cannot cope
with the limitless problems caused by 'finger trouble' or by what old
Radio Men used to call 'a short between the headphones'!

Open Office is a jolly good product (especially v2.0), but I
wonder where you will turn to when you find Open Office is not
psychic either.


A lot of folk get real help here when they ask decent questions,
propped up by detailed information on what is actually happening.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

To address #3, the spell checker works only when the language of the text
corresponds with the language of the proofing tools being used. To make sure
that spelling will be checked, Ctrl+A to select the entire document, then go
to Tools | Language | Set Language and make sure that the correct language
is selected and that "Do not check spelling or grammar" is not checked.


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
To address #3, the spell checker works only when the language of the text
corresponds with the language of the proofing tools being used. To make sure
that spelling will be checked, Ctrl+A to select the entire document, then go
to Tools | Language | Set Language and make sure that the correct language
is selected and that "Do not check spelling or grammar" is not checked.

Re: Failure to check spelling:

Thanks for the suggestion, but:
- Language is set as English
- Options, Spelling and Grammar is set to Check spelling as you type.
It does not any more, though it used to. No changes made!
Even intentionally introduced spelling errors followed by
[Recheck Document] fails to start the wave red lines from starting up.


Pat Garard said:
G'Day Gunther,

Have you installed "complex script and right-to-left language files"?
(Be warned now - DON'T install them if you don't need them.)

This is a WINDOWS matter you are in a WORD newsgroup.
Of course FAT32 doesn't support NT Security - didn't you know that?

Help is there to help you use the Product - help cannot cope
with the limitless problems caused by 'finger trouble' or by what old
Radio Men used to call 'a short between the headphones'!

Open Office is a jolly good product (especially v2.0), but I
wonder where you will turn to when you find Open Office is not
psychic either.


A lot of folk get real help here when they ask decent questions,
propped up by detailed information on what is actually happening.
Pat Garard
Melbourne, Australia

RE: item 1 - Cursor Control.
Main reason for been frustrated with that is I can no longer move the
cursor to the beginning of the previous word with Ctrl- arrow.
Lost that function, as well as spelling check, which is correctly set up.

The thought of having to re-install, with all the hurdles set up by MS, ugh !!

How do I fix the failures that appeared in Office XP.
The only reference to cursor control is under CXomplex scripts.
Where else do I look for a solution?


Gunther24 said:
1. In OfficeXP, OEM, looking for Cursor Control.
Help file directs me to Tools-Options -/Complex Script\
That TAB does not exist.

2. Folder-Properties- should yield three TABS:
General, Sharing and Security.

When using Win 2000 Pro under FAT32, the Scurity Tab is missing

3. Help fails to tell you how to rectify a problem with OfficeXP Spell
The automatic spellcheck is checked but no red wavy underline appears
under intentionally misspelled words.
Spellcheck immediately -> Spellcheck completed.

Many other examples found.

RE: Item 2: No I did not know that functions change with file format, until
yesterday, when I saw an item in the MS KB that...NTSF files have the
security tab.
Why could they not explain that FAT 32 does NOT.

Thanks for pointing it out. It affirms my conclusion that some functions may
be dropped between FAT 32 and NTFS.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Even with the language set to English, if "Do not check spelling or grammar"
is checked, the text will not be proofed. Try selecting a specific word that
is not being marked wrong; then go to Tools | Language | Set Language and
see if this box is checked. Alternatively, if "Hide spelling errors in this
document" is checked (Tools | Options | Spelling & Grammar), misspelled
words will not be marked as you type, but if you explicitly run a spell
check (with F7), they will be picked up.

Gunther24 said:
Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
To address #3, the spell checker works only when the language of the text
corresponds with the language of the proofing tools being used. To make sure
that spelling will be checked, Ctrl+A to select the entire document, then go
to Tools | Language | Set Language and make sure that the correct language
is selected and that "Do not check spelling or grammar" is not checked.

Re: Failure to check spelling:

Thanks for the suggestion, but:
- Language is set as English
- Options, Spelling and Grammar is set to Check spelling as you type.
It does not any more, though it used to. No changes made!
Even intentionally introduced spelling errors followed by
[Recheck Document] fails to start the wave red lines from starting up.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ctrl+Left Arrow works for me. Make sure you don't have either of the
WordPerfect items checked on the General tab of Tools | Options.

Pat Garard

No Gunther!
Thanks for pointing it out. It affirms my conclusion that some functions
be dropped between FAT 32 and NTFS.

FAT32 is basically DOS format, enhanced to address larger disks.
is hugely INCREASED in moving from FAT32 to NTFS.

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