Help files in Access XP corrupted?


David E. Jones

I've tried using the Help files in Access XP, and am getting unhelpful
results. I searched for "mailing labels" in the Answer Wizard and got
lots of irrelevent results. The Index finds nothing. However, exploring
the Help Contents, there's a section on mailing labels under Reports.

Is there something wrong with my installation of Access or a different
problem with the Help?


John Vinson

Is there something wrong with my installation of Access or a different
problem with the Help?


The problem is with Help. It's not corrupted; it just was not
implemented correctly when Access 2000 was released, and hasn't been
fixed yet. The content is generally pretty good; the table of contents
is OK if you happen to think the way the help designers did and look
under the same keywords; the Index is dreadful; and the search
assistant is a sour joke.

The MVP's have been burning ears at Microsoft about this for quite
some time and we will continue to do so.

David E. Jones

Thank you, John. This explains it. I went back to Access 97 for a look
and the Help files were functioning correctly there.

Hope they can fix XP with a patch.

(Excuse any repeated posts of my original message; didn't think it took,
and it did. I've tried to cancel the dupes.)


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