HELP files not showing



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Email Client: imap Previously, I got help from the Help menu, Entourage Help. Now, all I get is so-called online help, which gives a bunch of tutorials and such.

Where did it go?

Specifically, I am trying to find out how to view a reply that I just sent to a certain message. There is a reply notation at the top of the message display but it doesn't do anything when I click on it.

Diane Ross

Specifically, I am trying to find out how to view a reply that I just
sent to a certain message. There is a reply notation at the top of the
message display but it doesn't do anything when I click on it.

Help files are in the Office folder in Microsoft Office 2008 folder in

This sounds like database corruption and possibly install problems.

How to rebuild:


Make a duplicate in the Finder first as additional backup. A rebuild
does make a duplicate, but sometimes in the process the original and
backup get merged resulting in total disaster. It's rare but it happens.

If this fails, you can try testing in a new Identity, but if a new
Identity fails, you'll need to re-install

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