Help Filter Code


Steve W

Maybe not.... Just someone that has a brain larger then the match head I
have. ORDERID is the field I have changed.

Here's the problem. A filter problem. The code i have been using not sure
where I got it from, Definitely not from myself but I have been using it to
open a form that is nothing more the a list box, then by clicking on a
record in the list box it would open up an other form which was based on the
primary key. The primary key in the table was set up as a Number field /
long integer and it worked great. Now I have done some modifying to my
tables and need to make the primary key a text field, when make it a text
field it n the code no longer works..Can you help me?

Here is the code that I have used when the primary key was an integer:

Private Sub List0_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim FrmName As String

'use the form name that you want to go to
FrmName = "frmCustomerOrder"

If IsNull(Me!List0.Column(2)) Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.OpenForm FrmName

With Forms(FrmName)
.Filter = ""
'use the field name that is the ID field (the primary key)

..RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[OrderID]=" & Me!List0.Column(2) 'This is the

.Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmJobsNotApproved"

End With
If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub

If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox Error & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Examine the field
name and the criteria after FindFirst in the code. That part of the code may
need modification."

End Sub

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you


Duane Hookom

If OrderID is text, you must use quotes around it like:
...RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[OrderID]=""" & Me!List0.Column(2) & """" 'This
is the

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