Help! Finding lost/overwritten text in Word X




Hope someone can help me. I have lost, most probably overwritten,
text in Word X that I need to retrieve. Basically the file/document
is still in existence but the text is not. I think I must have saved
the file after accidentally deleting the text. At the time, I tried
to undo, etc., but nothing. I have treid searching in Finder for the
text, but nothing again. Has anyone any idea how I could locate the
text, if it's even possible? Would there be a temp file for Word that
might contain it? Or software, etc. I could use?

Any help and advice anyone could give would be *most* appreciated.

Thanks, Louisa

Dr Rocket


Search your hard drive for all files with names beginning "Word Work
File", followed by a letter, underscore, and number. If you have
them, great! You can search them by date or content, or open them with
Word at the most likely dates. These are scratch files Word creates
routinely. You just might find an entire copy of the document you

Good luck!


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