Hope someone can help me. I have lost, most probably overwritten,
text in Word X that I need to retrieve. Basically the file/document
is still in existence but the text is not. I think I must have saved
the file after accidentally deleting the text. At the time, I tried
to undo, etc., but nothing. I have treid searching in Finder for the
text, but nothing again. Has anyone any idea how I could locate the
text, if it's even possible? Would there be a temp file for Word that
might contain it? Or software, etc. I could use?
Any help and advice anyone could give would be *most* appreciated.
Thanks, Louisa
Hope someone can help me. I have lost, most probably overwritten,
text in Word X that I need to retrieve. Basically the file/document
is still in existence but the text is not. I think I must have saved
the file after accidentally deleting the text. At the time, I tried
to undo, etc., but nothing. I have treid searching in Finder for the
text, but nothing again. Has anyone any idea how I could locate the
text, if it's even possible? Would there be a temp file for Word that
might contain it? Or software, etc. I could use?
Any help and advice anyone could give would be *most* appreciated.
Thanks, Louisa